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Kode Produk: 222-620940 4

Tasty dessert Earphone Jack Accessory (Crepe/Banana)

Tasty dessert Earphone Jack Accessory (Crepe/Banana)
Stok: 1
Rp. 83.000

Sambil nonton memang paling enak makan berondong jagung (popcorn),

Sambil hangout sama teman, paling enak makan crepe

Habis lari panas-panasan, paling enak makan es krim.

Penutup lubang earphone Tasty Dessert bisa jadi sebagai pelampiasan anda ketika ketiga hal diatas tidak kesampaian.

Selain bisa dijadikan aksesoris earphone plug, disertakan juga tali gantunngan HP sehingga bisa dijadikan gantungan HP maupun gantungan kunci juga boleh kok.

Tinggal pilih, mau popcorn, crepe atau es krim....yummy!!!!!!

People said:

- Popcorn is your best friend when you are watching movie -
- Ice Cream is your best friend when you feel down -
- Crepe is your best friend when you wanna eat something sweet -

Now you can attached popcorn, ice cream and crepe in your mobile phone
as your earphone jack accessory.


More Information:

- Dimension (approx.):

     - Popcorn: 50 x 40 x 40 mm
     - Ice Cream: 70 x 30 x 25 mm

     - Crepe: 70 x 30 x 25 mm

- Material: ABS
- Compatible: Any devices with 3.5 mm earphone jack
- Important Notice: It can easily come out of the earphone jack, so this device does not prevent dropping
- Package included: 1x Phone Strap






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